Been So Bronx So Uptown

Hey there, cats and kittens and all who otherwise identify… MamaCat’s got another plane to catch. I have been all up in the Bronx, in both the colloquial and slang senses of the term.

Recommend. 💯🍻🍕

New episode on the way. So many stories to tell. Including the one about the southern fellow next to me at the bar. Lotsa bourbon and sexism goin’ on… but he’s on the phone with his mama, bless his heart. 😉🥃🥃🥃

No bourbon for me, please. I may be descended from the Scots, but my vibe is 100% Bloody Mary. And she was a Tudor.

And so to my meditations upon the miracle of Tomato Juice combined with pre-flight tranquilizing vodka… and upon how Texas this man at the bar in New Jersey is. He’s telling his mama about Ferdinand the Bull.

Ferdinand the Bull. ✌️😎

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