“MamaCat and the Chain of Foolishness”

This just in from the Minneapolis Bureau

Howdy there, cats and kittens and all who otherwise identify… been good? All good here.

We turned out to have a lot of consumer advice on the Happy Cat-genda this time, as well as the need to praise my Union President in song, and two short tales from the Gendered Ageism files. I have also discovered a need for more and better microphones, because I apparently like singing with myself. Hope you like what I threw into today’s soup. There’s plenty, so take seconds.

Podcasters of a Feather: Percy Blythe & me at VO Atlanta 2024. 💖🐲😎

4 responses to ““MamaCat and the Chain of Foolishness””

  1. I finally figured out my life. Xo. Thank god for this podcast.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sweet Jane, may I quote this?? 💖


      1. jane0dc636ea590 Avatar

        Of course!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Domo arigato. 😘


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